Lake Turkana by Guest Josef Bürgi
When you get to travel to an area that rivals the Omo Valley in photographic opportunities, you know you’ve got a special trip at your disposal! Found on the World Heritage list, Lake Turkana is in Kenya’s Rift Valley Province and
Behind the Scenes on a Mongolian Photography Tour
Mongolia is a vast central Asian country boasting a rich history, with its most notable inhabitant the famous Genghis Khan whose 13th Century empire spread vast distances across Eurasia. Mongolia remains a wild, sparsely inhabited nation – indeed it is
In search of Pygmy Giants
It has been some two hours that we have been journeying down the Kinabatangan River in a fast moving speed boat on our Borneo photo safari. Proboscis monkeys, with their weird floppy noses have watched from their vantage points high