[email protected] | +230 452 3731

Payment Options:

Pay via check, credit card or direct deposit, and send a proof of payment to [email protected].

Post (Secure) a USD check – to Oryx Expeditions LLC – send to George Armistead, P.O. Box 54566, Philadelphia, PA 19148, USA

Please click here to proceed with a credit card payment (you will be redirected to the WeTravel website).


Deposit into bank account – CitiBank, 1748 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. NY Routing # 021000089
SWIFT code: CITIUS33 Account: Oryx Expeditions LLC Account no: 6799187511 (1814 Federal Street, Unit B, Philadelphia PA 19146).


Maritius Commercial Bank:

Deposit into bank account – USD
Beneficiary Bank Address: Global Business Unit, 9th Floor, Sir William Newton Street, Port Louis, Mauritius.
Beneficiary Bank Account: Marius Coetzee Photography Ltd t/a ORYX Photo Tours, Beneficiary Bank Account no: 000446576007 (USD),
IBAN: MU97MCBL0944000446576007000USD, SWIFT CODE MCBLMUMU If Correspondent Bank Details required, please contact office.
You will need to quote the MCB bank and account details for the payment to reach us.

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